Medical Aesthetics

with restore wellness

Service 01 | Neurotoxins NOW AVAILABLE

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BOTOX® Cosmetic or Xeomin®

(onabotulinumtoxinA, incobotulinumtoxinA)

BOTOX® Cosmetic (onabotulinumtoxinA) is FDA approved and is indicated in adult patients for the temporary improvement in the appearance of:

Moderate to severe glabellar lines (between the eyebrows)

Moderate to severe lateral canthal lines (“crow’s feet”)

Moderate to severe forehead lines

Neurotoxins work by relaxing the muscles of the face which results in a smoother, happier and more restful appearance. This procedure not only corrects, but prevents further deepening of skin lines and wrinkles. Close follow up will be conducted to ensure patient satisfaction.

Service 03 | RF Microneedling

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Radiofrequency Microneedling

What is Pixel8 RF Micro needling? 

Radio Frequency (RF) micro needling devices use specially insulated or non-insulated needles that deliver high-intensity radio frequency energy into the targeted tissue once the needles have broken through the skin. The aim behind this is to boost and revamp collagen and bring on the regeneration of the vital elastin cells. If you want the surface of your skin to be a lot smoother and firmer, then this treatment may be just right for you.

What does it help with?

The Pixel8 microneedling technology helps with fine lines, enlarged pores, wrinkles, acne scars, skin tightening, double chin reduction, jowl lifting, neck lifting, hand rejuvenation, and stretch marks. The result is a nearly painless procedure that requires little to no downtime and can greatly improve wrinkling, scars, and skin laxity.

What is unique about Pixel8 RF Microneedling?

Traditional microneedling will deliver a positive effect over a few treatments; adding radiofrequency energy reduces the time it takes to see great results and increases the results seen. With Pixel8 RF microneedling, the results are produced faster, are more dramatic, and are longer-lived. The Pixel8 operates at a higher frequency for enhanced patient comfort and quicker treatment times.

What are some benefits of Pixel8 RF Microneedling? 

  • Firming skin on the face or body
  • Diminishing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  • Reducing the appearance of scars (acne or injury-related)
  • Improving the overall appearance and texture of the skin
  • Tightening sagging skin on the face, neck, and body
  • Minimizing the size of pores and/or acne scarring
  • Improving droopy skin around the eyes (eyebrow or eyelid)
  • Restoring more youthful appearance

What does it do / how does it work? 

Pixel8 F microneedling combines two technologies commonly used for skin rejuvenation, radiofrequency and skin needling. RF technology relies on the resistance within the skin itself to convert RF energy into heat (thermal energy). This thermal energy causes collagen contraction and stimulation of collagen making cells (fibroblasts) to produce more collagen. Traditional skin microneedling causes physical trauma to the skin and through stimulation of the body's own wound healing response also stimulates fibroblasts to produce more collagen. When combined, fractionated RF microneedling gives enhanced results than could not be achieved with either technology alone. Clinical studies show that microneedling RF can address the causes of aging, significantly reducing wrinkles and age spots while tightening and lifting the skin on the face and neck with minimal downtime and discomfort. It is less invasive than injectables and laser skin resurfacing while restoring youthful radiance!

What does it cost?

Cost ranges from $600-$1000 per treatment. Book a consultation for more information!

Service 04 | Facials

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Expertly formulated


Chemical Peels, Therapeutic Masks, Oxygenation Facial

Exfoliate dead skin cells

Remove the damaged layer

Allow healthy skin cells to rise to the surface for a radiant glow

This treatment is safe for all skin types. Monthly treatments can even skin tone, clear acne, improve the appearance of aging skin and make dull complexions glow!

Service 04 | Laser Hair removal

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the key to silky smooth

Permanent Hair Reduction

What is laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal uses technology in which a beam of light is applied to unwanted hair on various parts of the body. This light is a specific wavelength that targets the melanin—the pigment in the hair that gives it color, in the hair follicle. When the light enters the follicle, it is converted to heat energy that destroys / inactivates the follicle, preventing the hair from growing again.

What is an 810 Diode? 

Often referred to as the gold standard in hair removal, the Diode laser 810nm wavelength is highly reliable and can address a wide range of skin types, including skin types V and VI. Laser energy is selectively absorbed by melanin (brown) in the hair follicle and converted to heat, injuring the hair follicle during its growth phase to help reduction. It will not work on blonde/red/grey hairs.

What does it do?

Diode lasers use a single wavelength of light that has a high abruption rate in melanin. As the melanin heats up it destroys the root and blood flow to the follicle disabling the hair growth permanently. When directed at a target area, the light is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. By allowing only the hair follicle to be damaged, preserving surrounding tissue will make your treatment process as comfortable as possible.

What to expect?

The 810 Diode on the Spectrum laser has built-in contact cooling to protect the surface of the skin, making the treatment a comfortable, pain-free experience for patients. You will be provided pre treatment and post treatment instructions.

Hair grows in cycles, making it necessary to receive a series of treatments. This varies from patient to patient. Each treatment is spaced between 4-6 weeks apart and a minimum of 6 treatments is recommended.

How much does it cost?

Treatment cost will vary depending on size of area treated. Book a consultation to discuss further.

Service 05 | photo rejuvenation

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reverse signs of aging

IPL Photo Rejuvenation

What is IPL? 

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a cosmetic skin treatment. People may use it to reduce the signs of aging, pigmentation, vasculature, reduce acne, or remove unwanted hair. An IPL treatment uses the power of broadband light to deliver pulses of intense light to penetrate the layers of the skin. Most patients describe experiencing a fast, pinching sensation during treatment, with minimal discomfort and no downtime required!

What does it help with?

Skin tone, wrinkles, photoaging, skin rejuvenation,  sun damaged skin, uneven pigmentation, scars, spider veins, vascular lesions, rosacea, acne, and hair reduction.

How does it work? 

Unlike lasers, an IPL device sends out more than one wavelength of pulsating light. It can treat a range of skin conditions at the same time. After IPL, you may look younger because your skin tone is more even. Intense pulsed light therapy uses multiple different wavelengths of light released in pulses. You can think of it as a strobe light passing along the skin. As the light penetrates down to the second layer of skin, it allows the cells to absorb its energy, heat up, and eventually destroy the pigmentation within the cell. This is how age spots, other discoloring blemishes, moles, birthmarks, and rosacea are diminished.

Does it help anti-aging / stimulate collagen?

IPL will stimulate collagen growth by treating a deeper layer of skin, while improving texture, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles!

What to expect?

During the procedure, discomfort is minimal and is usually compared to the "snap of a rubber band." Multiple treatments may be required to achieve your desired result.

Average treatment takes approximately 30-45 minutes.

What does it cost?

Cost ranges from $250-$1150 per treatment depending on size of area.


Service 06 | Tatoo removal

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Dark Spots & Tattoo Removal

What does it treat?

Tattoos, pigmented lesions including age spots, freckles, sunspots, and some birthmarks.

What is Tattoo and Pigment Removal? 

The “Q” in Q switched laser treatment stands for “quality.” A Q switched laser pulses high power laser beams with such precision that they don’t have any thermal interaction with tissues. This means that it produces minimal damage to surrounding tissues internally and targets only the tattoo ink pigments. An added benefit of this is a quicker and less complicated healing time.

How does it work?

The Q Switched laser has been determined as a gold standard for tattoo removal. It works by producing extremely short pulses of high energy light. The light is then absorbed by the particles of the tattoo pigment but doesn’t get absorbed by the surrounding skin. The tattoo pigment then heats up and starts to break down into small particles. A Q-Switch laser may also be used to treat pigmented lesions including age spots, freckles, sunspots and some birthmarks, it targets the melanin in the superficial layer of your skin.

What is unique about Q-Switched Tattoo Removal? 

A Q-switched laser is the only technology that is able to penetrate down to the dermis and shatter tattoo ink (via photo acoustic waves) without causing damage to the surrounding skin tissue. All other methods either aren’t capable of reaching and destroying the ink or cause too much damage to the skin, resulting in scarring. The 1064nm and 532nm cover over 80% of tattoo colors.

What color tattoo’s can be treated? 

Good - Black, Blue, Dark Blue, Dark Green, Brown, Red, Purple, Orange.

Difficult – Tan, Yellow, Bright Green, Sky Blue.

What to expect? 

The laser tattoo removal itself may not be uncomfortable but discomfort is a normal response during treatment and recovery. The targeted areas will feel tender and sensitive to touch due to swelling and blistering thereafter. Once these effects subside over the next few days, so does the pain.

How does it feel? 

Laser tattoo removal typically does involve some level of pain. That said, many say that it hurts less than they expected. It’s a common belief that tattoo removal is excruciating, yet most patients say that the sensation of removal is comparable to having a tattoo applied. Common descriptions include the sensation of a rubber band snapping against the skin or bacon grease – basically it’s uncomfortable but bearable.

What does it cost?

Cost will vary depending on the size of treatment area. Schedule a consultation for more information!

Service 07 | Vein Reduction

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rejuvenate your skin


What is Long Pulsed Yag? 

Laser treatment that treats visible vessels, broken capillaries, spider veins, and vascular lesions. The treatment is tailored to match one's skin condition and desired result. All skin areas can be treated with the LPY laser.

What does it do?

Will diminish the appearance of existing veins on the face and legs. Once the laser light is applied to the skin, it enters the vein, where the energy from the laser is absorbed and the vein walls collapse and seal shut, eliminating the vein's appearance on the skin. Eliminating veins with the long pulsed Yag laser is quick and effective.

How does it work? 

The laser gives energy to the skin, which is absorbed by blood vessels, scars, port wine stains, hemangiomas and other vascular lesions. This relatively quick, comfortable procedure can eliminate blood vessels by precise tissue heating i.e. energy is directed against the vessels alone and does not alter the surrounding skin. Usually, the vessels collapse during the treatment session, but there can be some post-treatment redness and swelling. Following treatment sessions with aggressive sun protection practices can produce longer-lasting results and prevent formation of similar lesions.

What to expect?

During the procedure, discomfort is minimal and is usually compared to the "snap of a rubber band." Multiple treatments may be required to achieve your desired result.

Average treatment takes approximately 30 minutes.

What does it cost?

Cost starting at $350 per treatment, depending on size of area.


Service 08 | Skincare

Professional Skin Care

A daily skin care regimen is critical to achieving and maintaining optimal skin health. During your personalized consultation, we will make recommendations to achieve your goals that also fit your lifestyle.

How it Works

Schedule your skin consultation

Call or schedule online!


Skin Consultation

Our certified and trained staff will perform a thorough skin evaluation and make recommendations to help you achieve your goals and optimal skin health!


Implement treatment plan

We will continue to work together to apply and monitor your treatment plan and make adjustments as needed.